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Talladega College

Talladega College, a black liberal arts school established by the American Missionary Association in 1867. Started as a primary school, it was incorporated in 1869. It was the first college in Alabama opened to all persons without regard to race. DeForest Memorial Chapel, located on the Talladega College campus, was built by the American Missionary Association and by the alumni and friends of the college. It is named in honor of Dr. Henry Swift DeForest, D.D., president from 1880-1896. Savery Library College Campus.  Savery Library was build in 1937,  It's namesake, William Savery, helped build the original structure,  Swayne Hall in 1852, while enslaved, and is the only original structure on the campus.

National Park Service. (1990, July 21). National Register of Historic Places. Retrieved from 7ce3-40c6-9e66-5bb0b5d80eab

The library houses three panels of frescoes depicting the Amistad Incident in which Joseph Cinque led a revolt on the Amistad that liberated a shipload of slaves. Swayne Hall. Hall was built in 1854 and is the only original structure on the campus.

Fun Facts about Talladega

In 1719, Benjamin Hawkins, the Native American agent for the territory South of the Ohio River, traveled through the Coosa district and reported to the government at least five thriving villages, their customs and method of livelihood in the vicinity of Talladega.