Basic Format
AuthorLastName, FirstInitial. SecondInitial. (PublicationYear). Book title. City: Publisher.
Note on Capitalization of the Title:
The title is italicized and only the first word of the title is capitalized. However, proper nouns and the first letter of the subtitle (if included) are also capitalized. Capitalize acronyms as well (e.g., FDA).
Every line after the first line should be indented, called a hanging indent. (Found under "paragraph" -> "indent" in Word.)
Turabian, K. (2010). Student's guide to writing college papers. Chicago, IL:
The University of Chicago Press.
Example with a subtitle: (the subtitle always follows a colon)
Levitin, D. J. (2016). A field guide to lies: Critical thinking in the information age.
New York, NY: Dutton.
Example of a book in translation:
Mathiez, A. (1964). The French revolution (C. Phillips, Trans.). New York, NY: Grosset & Dunlap. (Original work published 1928).
Example of a book in an edition other than the first:
Jones, R. (2008). A handbook of photography (5th ed.). New York, NY: Rogers.
adapted from Spartanburg Methodist College, Marie Blair Burgess Library, Limestone College - A.J. Eastwood Library Citation Guide.