Students, Faculty, & Staff: Please use your Talladega College ID
Alumni & Talladega Citizens: Alumni and citizens of Talladega are able to use their driver’s license and a piece of mail, dated within the past 30 days, with the individual’s name on the mail item in addition to the Library Card Request Form (see Forms tab). This will enable the staff to create an account for the individual in our circulation system, after the account is created, only the Driver’s License is needed to check out items.
On Campus: Click on the following link,uid&profile=eds
Off Campus:
The Alabama Virtual Library provides all students, teachers, and citizens of the State of Alabama with online access to essential library and information resources. It is primarily a group of online databases that have magazine, journal, and newspaper articles for research. Through the AVL, an equitable core of information sources is available to every student and citizen in Alabama, raising the level of excellence in schools and communities across the state.
Any students that are not in the state of Alabama can still access this amazing resources. It can be access through the Savery Library Online Catalog from the students MyTalladega. If using AVL directly, the student can contact the College Librarian-Library Director and receive a username and password.