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Savery Library has a combination of resources to help you with your research, including print materials, eBooks, and online databases.
How do I find out what books are in the library? To find a book, eBook, DVD or other library material, search the Savery Library Online Catalog.
Keep searches SIMPLE--use one to three important words, NOT a sentence | |
Decide whether you are searching for: | |
For each item included in the Search Results, the catalog displays the availability, the call number and the physical location within the library. |
EBooks retrieved by your search will have a link within the item record that will take you directly to the full-text of the eBook. For off campus access, see the OFF CAMPUS ACCESS tab.
How do I figure out where a book or DVD is on the shelf? A Library of Congress call number is used to identify the exact location of an item on the shelf.
Please ask a Savery Library Staff Member for help reading the call numbers.
How and where do I find scholarly articles? The best way to find appropriate articles for your assignments is by searching Savery Library's Online Catalog. The Online Catalog contains multiple databases which include articles from scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, and more. You can limit your search to full-text and/or scholarly peer-reviewed journals.
Want to recommend a resource for the library collection?
To recommend titles for purchase, please fill out a Book Request form under the Forms Tab and either email it to or bring it to a Savery Library Staff Member.
If we do not have the item you want, please fill out the Book Request Form, and either email it to us at or speak with a Savery Library Staff Member.
When requested material is received, the borrower will be notified via e-mail and by telephone. Requested material is the responsibility of the borrower. Materials must be picked up and returned to the Circulation Desk.
Distance Education students may request Interlibrary Loan materials be mailed to their homes, the item will first come to Savery Library, then will be mailed from Talladega College Mailroom to the address, on file in the registrars office, for the student. The student will still have to follow the circulation guidelines.
If you need help with off campus access, please contact us:
Phone: 256-761-6284
The Alabama Virtual Library provides all students, teachers, and citizens of the State of Alabama with online access to essential library and information resources. It is primarily a group of online databases that have magazine, journal, and newspaper articles for research. Through the AVL, an equitable core of information sources is available to every student and citizen in Alabama, raising the level of excellence in schools and communities across the state.
Any students that are not in the state of Alabama can still access this amazing resources. It can be access through the Savery Library Online Catalog from the students MyTalladega. If using AVL directly, the student can contact the College Librarian-Library Director and receive a username and password.
A dynamic online learning platform from LearningExpress that can change the lives of students through academic success and preparation for today’s workplace. PrepSTEP for Colleges and Universities is packed with tutorials, practice tests, e-books and high-stakes test preparation for self-guided skill building, career preparation and workforce readiness. Core Math and Science Skills, Core English Skills, College Success Skills, Career Preparation, Job and Career Accelerator, Computer Skills Center, Grad School Admissions Preparation, and Placement Test Preparation. Recursos Para Hispanohablantes. Herramientas de aprendizaje, carrera y ciudadanía en español.
Subtitles itself as 'the ultimate guide to the world' or 'the ultimate business travel guide' provides a broad range of practical information, available in twenty broad subject categories, for over 175 countries.